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Made with love in the French Alps!

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Made with love in France!
Developed by pixfort

Advanced Technologies

Discover a New Way of Building Websites.

We design and develop world-class websites and applications, design better and spend less time without restricting creative freedom.

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Revenue in 2020


Staff members in Europe
Advanced Technologies

Discover a New Way of Building Websites.

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Premium Services

Perfect for individuals and freelancers

Essentials WordPress theme provides a large collection of professional and premium templates for every kind of business.

Nadine Petrolli
Nadine Petrolli

CEO and Founder

David Morgan
David Morgan

Chief design officer

Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith

Support manager

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Make your own impact today with Essentials theme.
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We provide high quality services since 2012

Drive your business into the future.

Combine seamlessly fitting layouts, customize everything you want, switch components on the go!


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Create your own website with Essentials.


Make your website available for everyone.

Premium Services

Drive your business into the future.

Essentials WordPress theme provides a large collection of professional and premium templates for every kind of business.

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